Border background sets.
Sets pages:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Just follow thumbnails.
I would recommend to start from the last gallery and follow backwards
Please, note, my graphics are kindnessware.
I wish you well.
Aunty Pear.
Another colour variation for butterfly
Want something unique made for you?
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From march, 25, 2001
Midi files wanted.
Please, if you have small midi files of beautiful music,
I would appreciate e-mail with some midis,thanks.
Read this:
"Thoughts are free. They should remain free, and be given freely."
N.B. This is not a license to rip off. Let integrity prevail, and give credit where credit is due.
Liberated gratefully and without permission from
Peter Russell
(by his own article)
All graphics have been digitally Watermarked
All graphics on this site are
Copyrighted or © to Aunty Pear Graphics aka Elaine Jacobi and protected by International
Copyrighte Laws.