Hi, there, welcome to my Wish page.
Here you can ask me to make something special for you or your friend. I have a few samples to chose from. But I want to ask you something too. All my graphics are kindnessware, remember? Most people do. And this time I will happily make extra effort for you to create what you ask for. But I would like to ask you to make extra effort too. Please, just for one day try to be kind to those who are not kind to you.
I believe that the only way to defeat hate is to replace it with kindness. Try it. I am sure that by the end of that day something wonderful will happen to you too. I have tried this and the result was amaising. If I make the set by your request, It will be named after you too or if it is a gift, after the person it is intended for.
Just don't ask me to make something exclusive - my art is for sharing.
If you have your own ideas, just tell me and I'll see what I can do for you.
I wish you well.
Aunty Pear.
Wish 1
Wish 2
Wish 3
Wish 4
Wish 5 Wish
Wish 7
Wish 8
Wish 9
Wish 10
Wish 11
Wish 12
Wish 13
Wish 14
Wish 15
Wish 16
All graphics have been digitally Watermarked
All graphics on this site are Copyrighted or © to Aunty Pear Graphics
aka Elaine Jacobi and protected by International Copyrighte Laws.